Hangin' In There

Hangin' In There

Friday, February 13, 2009

Mystery Poop


I had to hurry and add this little story to my blog. Grace is up to it again. Yesterday she was out of pull-ups so I got her some new ones out. She wore them all day...and didn't mention any problems. Well I left for a little bit to watch Morgan at gymnastics and then I was pretty much home all day and night. To my surprise, when I was getting ready for bed, I noticed a pair of poopie pull-ups in the garbage. In addition to the poopie pull-up were wipes and wipes and more wipes. Some with poop on them, some not a mark. So I went into our bedroom to ask Chance if he helped Grace with poopie pants that day. (He tends to use many wipes in his quest for a clean bum). He said, "no, why?" After telling him about my discovery in the bathroom he starts laughing and says, "Earlier today Grace came up to me and said, 'Dad, poopie pants.' so I went to change her. I got her pull-ups off and there wasn't any poop!" So then Chance turned to Grace and said, "Grace, there's no poop!" And she said, "nope! all clean Dad."

So it's kind of nice to know that she is willing to change her own "diaper"...HOWEVER just that last sentence frightens me. I'm thinking in my head, "where did she change her poopie pants?"..."Did she touch anything?"..."Do I need to disinfect my entire home?"...

We've inspected the suspected area of contamination and found no traces of said poop...but we're still keeping our eyes open. Boy I sure hope that people are still wanting to visit our home after this entry. We really are clean people....I swear! Our little Grace is just struggling with hygiene at the moment. We still think she's a cutie though. Oh, and PS......we make sure she is washing her hands ALL THE TIME. Promise.


Mills Family

So funny! Carson once changed his own and cleaned it up himself, without us knowing. The only thing that gave it away, was the next time he had to "go". It came out his pant leg onto the floor. He had forgot to replace the pull up with a new one.


Emily, I am over here just cracking up. I have never had a child try to change their own diaper--although Megan tries to get hers off in the morning when she wakes up, which doesn't exactly work when she's wearing "feety" jammies, and she unzips them just enough to undo the tabs...and then I go get her out of the crib and her diaper is wrapped about her ankle. Needless to say, bathtime has become a morning ritual. :) Don't ya love it??

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