Hangin' In There

Hangin' In There

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Morgan......

In my entire existance, I vowed I would NEVER make a Barbie Cake. You know the kind.....the cake is the skirt, and the barbie sticks out the top. If you need any visuals, see this link:


Guess what? I have officially broken that vow. I was searching for days, weeks, perhaps even months (really only a couple of days) for the perfect Little Mermaid cake for Morgan. I found one similar to the one I made, and I thought (I can do that!) so I did. I don't think it turned out 1/2 bad...but I'm biased because I spent all afternoon making it.

Now isn' that pretty? Ahhhh....ooooooohhh. I had to make cupcakes as well because the actual cake was so teeny. I just basically like to make extra work for myself. But there is my final product. Oh, and the seashells? They're all chocolates made a la me. Thank you thank you. But the real purpose of this post is to spotlight my Morgan. Here's my little birthday girl next to her cake:

She got a little party today in Kindergarten - we made a poster for her to take to display in her class. Morgan drew pictures of all her favorite things. You can basically guess what each picture is even before she tells you. She's a mini-Van Gogh. Again, I have a very keen talent of recognizing talents early on in life. Morgan is going to be an artist, Grace will be a brilliant scientist, and Crede will be....um....a hunter. (He's still a little young for my talent sensing abilities to perform 100 %)

Here's the poster that we made for Morgan to take to school. Here's the list of her favorites: Treat: ice cream. Holiday: Valentines Day. Movie: Little Mermaid 2. Family Activity: Checkers (we've never played checkers...so who knows about that one). Game: Hungry Hungry Hippo's. Food: Pizza. Thing to Do: play with Alaina, Breauna and Mason. Song: Once there was a snowman. TV Show: Curious George. Book: Pinkalicious and Purplicious.

Morgan right now is into being a total goofball. She thinks any little funny face or funny dance is the most hilarious thing in life, and it doesn't help when Chance is sitting there laughing just as hard...but I digress. Right now she is playing with Chance's cell phone and listening to the funny rings he has on it. There's a baby laughing to some kind of techno song and she has made up a dance while lip-syncing the baby. Now THAT's a sight to see.

She is a VERY smart little girl and is able to pick up new and challenging things very easily. She's a very good big sister to Grace and Crede and when she finds the patience, she is very good to spend time with them and play with them.

Well, Happy Birthday Morgan. We love you very much.



Wow, I'm impressed with your cake-making abilities and do believe to take advantage of you for Abby's birthday. I believe she is looking for Tinkerbell, or perhaps all of the Disney princesses having a ball at the castle--they could each be a cupcake if that's easier for you. Feel free to get started. :)

I can't believe Morgan is 6!! That means Abby is close behind...which means...we're getting old. Just FYI. Fabulous job on the cake and tell Morgan happy birthday from Abby. (BTW, she thought the cake was very cute, but seriously was diggin' the cupcakes.)


wow she is so big. We sure enjoyed her in primary! I vowed that my daughter wouldnt become one of those girls that wanted everything disney princess and she has done it. And I let her do it! The cake looks great and it probably was cheaper too!


Emily, you have every right to brag-the cake turned out beautiful!! You are SO talented! I wish that I had a girl so I could experience all things pink and princessy....oh well :) All things dirt (yeah, that would be a boys color, right?!) and sporty isn't all that bad and I wouldn't trade my boys for anything!

Mills Family

What a cute cake! You are so talented, Emily! Happy Birthday, Morgan!

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