Bike rides
This will forever be known as the day Crede learned to ride his 2-wheeler. His PINK 2-wheeler. It was a proud day for all. Chance had to get him to stop crying long enough to pedal. Once Crede figured out that he was going to do this whether he liked it or not, he actually enjoyed himself!
Way to go Creder.
But then...
He tipped over. Chance convinced him that an ace bandage was the way to go ~ and he wrapped him up pretty good. Chance ALSO got out the ol' camcorder and recorded this little episode. It's pretty funny. The bandage kept falling off, so Chance found more creative ways to put it back on. Needless to say, the last "wrapping" made Crede look like a mummy. I don't think it even made it on his hand.
Crede was a little ticked off, but that treat afterwards made it all better. I'm sure glad our kids have a Dad with a sense of humor. They would slowly die of stress if they were raised by me alone.
Here are pictures of our "wounded".
Sad, sad Crede.
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