Yuba Lake ~ Day #2
Day #2
We spent the entire day at the beach. Oooooh yeah. It was so relaxing, cool, and we had some pretty awesome snacks. Go here to read more if you so wish...
Until then, enjoy our pics. I have to warn you though...there are a LOT of pictures. Proceed at your own risk.
Gage's first time playing in the lake. He was lovin' it. This was also before he discovered the sand...and that it didn't taste all that great.
You go gir......um, I mean.....Rwar!
Rylee and Gage. Cute Rylee, she was so good to play with our kids.
Hi Grace!
Chance and Nate...our husbands looooove football.
What the?!? This lovely anchor was hiding underneath the water. You know who stepped on it? Collin. He was just lucky it didn't puncture a lung or somethin'. Dang people who don't take their gigantic, metal, sharp, anchors with them!
Yep, Gage love it in here.
Nate playing with Moses...
Hmmm...do ya' think Adam wanted Nate putting mud on his back? Nyeah...me either. The thing about Nate is that he attracts children. They all LOVE him. He will play with anyONE at anyTIME.
Morgan digging her trench...
Aaaah...now how artsy is that.
Nice save.John and Collin fighting for that catch. I won't tell you who ended up winning though. **coughcollinandchancecough**
Chance taking a little breather after his football game...
The kids originally found this mud-hole...and as you will see later, it proved quite fun.
Cute Gage...this inflatable tube served us quite nicely. Thank you, Gina.
HOURS later, Gage decided to relax a little bit. He was content as could be.
Owen decided to join Gage ~ obviously he didn't mind too much.
Okay I have to tell you the story behind these next few pictures. Chance and Nate sat in this muddy hole and decided to initiate some members. Any poor soul who thought to walk next to the hole got dragged in. Once they were in, Chance and Nate would "welcome their new customer" with a hearty mud-fight. Aaah Rachel. Alas, she got too close.
Poor, poor Elizabeth. She couldn't escape her "welcoming" in the end.
These are the girls that hung out together. Morgan, Grace Pack, and Alaina. Occasionally, they let OUR Grace play too.
Crede ~ oh you're cute. Here I said, "Crede! Wave at Mom!" He always has funny faces. I love this kid.
1/2 of our group playing "hot box".
Poor Tyler, he kept getting "out" early.
Grace, you are such a crack-up. Always pulling a face. Here are Grace, Ella and Alaina posing for picture #1...
And now for picture #2...
Ella and Alaina looking at the clouds in the sky....
Ella Bella...
Nate and Sara have GOT to be one of the best parenting-teams I know. Because I was taking a lot of photo's this trip, I really got a close-up look of how much they spend one-on-one time with their kids. It really made me think about the way I parent. If I could be 1/2 of what the Packs are, I would consider myself lucky. They're even going on baby #6. SIX! Amazing.
Cute Cody...she was so busy this trip with her almost-two-year-old, Owen. I hope she had fun, I had fun taking their pictures. :)
My kids love Rylee. She is so good with them. Here are Grace and Crede enjoying some extra attention.
Here's John playing "Hot Box"...one of our groups favorite games to play up campin'.
This is Crede's idea of sitting still for a picture. He's such a boy.
Chance playing with Gracie
My beautiful friend, Shari.
Sara became our offical "hair stylist" this trip. She has some mad french braiding skillz. Every girl in our group asked Sara to do their hair. She also gave me some good pointers...although I don't think that I'd ever do well. That's okay though.
Here's Nate playing with Ella Bella and Moses.
Cute Owen.....so tired...........
Here's cute Rylee relaxing on her Dad. I love this picture.
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