Hangin' In There

Hangin' In There

Saturday, May 1, 2010

TIme is going waaaaay to fast.

It hit me today. Gage is 9 months old! This is his last milestone before he turns the big One Oh. Wow. I can't imagine our lives without this little man. He is so stinkin' cute and funny and chubby and yummy. I love to smell his head and nuzzle into his cheek. I love that when he wants you to pick him up he will "head butt" you in the leg. I love when he talks to me, saying, "Bah bah bah bah" or even just opening and closing his mouth over and over to make that popping sound. When I was taking his picture today I kept saying, "Boo!!" I swear to you, he said it. I know, my kids are GENIUSES.

(They get it from their Mom.)



He has a perfectly round head, its beautiful.

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