A Little of This....A Little of That.
Does anyone else ever have the delima about which words, if any, to capitalize in their post title? Just wonderin'.
The last week has been pretty uneventful, but I'm updatin' anyway.
He's been starting to go "Shed Hunting" more and more. If you don't know what shed hunting is, let me fill you in. You drive up to the mountains, you park your truck, and you walk around for 5 hours looking at the ground for deer antlers that have dropped. Now does that sound exciting? I sure think it does. But here's the thing. Chance LOVES it, and finds some really cool and big horns that way. Here, I'll show you a couple of pictures. Chance is going to LOVE the fact that I've, once again, used a deer in my blog. You're welcome.
These horns Chance actually found during the "Antelope Island" shed hunt. Pretty nifty, 'eh?
Sometimes Chance even makes stuff from his finds. This is an elk antler lamp he made. He's even made some tables, and smaller table lamps. He is actually pretty talented. I just don't like this stuff spread through my house, which is why he has his own hunting room. He can decorate however he wants in that space.
One side note, Chance wants to name our unborn (sweet and innocent) baby, Shed, if it's a boy. Uhhghhmm. Now. I love you Chance, but I just don't see it. Chance has made a deal with me. He will let me name our baby, Emma, if it's a girl if he can have full reign over the boy choice. I am just not sure that I'm ready for that kind of commitment. We're still in the negotiation stage, so I'll have to keep ya' posted on this one.
I have been trying to stay sane here in my house of Toddlers. I like to refer to my life as Toddlerland. There are some days where I honestly feel like I do the same thing over and over and over. My kids don't age, I don't age, it's just the same day over and over. Kinda like the movie Groundhog Day. I am looking forward to Summer. HOLY COW I am looking forward to Summer. I think wintertime is hard with little tikes. What can you really do? Movies? nope. Library? nope. The Mall? (no money?) nope. Any ideas anyone?!
Lets see. I have been getting ready for our scrapbooking overnighter this weekend. I'm actually pretty excited for it this time. I have my laptop, and some scrapbooking software called "Memory Mixer" and I'm going to start scrapbooking that way. I'm trying to figure out how to post ya' an example, and when I figure that out, I'll be sure to let you know.
And lastly, I have this lovely C-PAP machine to use at night. It came as a result of my snorin' study (see previous post). The plus side? I don't snore anymore, and I don't get horrible headaches in the middle of the night. Yay. The downside? Well let me first just SHOW you what this thing looks like:
Our little 6 year old just lost her very first tooth on Friday. Morgan is such a girl. For about a week, all I heard was, "Mom! Look at my tooth! It is SOOOOOO loose!" This would always be followed by me or Chance saying, "Morgan, do you want us to pull it out?"...which would always be followed by tears and running away. On Friday Morgan walks upstairs crying. I said, "What's wrong?" She said, "I don't want my tooth to be backwards!" She is near hysterics. So she opens her mouth and her tooth is completely turned around backwards. I said, "Are you SURE you don't want me to pull it out?" Morgan: "NOOOOOoooooooooooooo" (as she runs away). Well about 10 minutes later she comes running downstairs and proudly announces that she pulled her tooth out. Whew! (only about 20 more to go.)
Morgan drew a picture for the tooth fairy, and put that and her tooth under her pillow that night. Well the tooth fairy made 2 attempts to visit, but was thwarted each time by a little girl who was NOT asleep! Finally around 5am the tooth fairy made her appearance, tried to get the 81/2 x 11 piece of paper out from under the pillow SILENTLY, and slipped the dollar under there. An hour later when my girls woke up (see previous post for my morning issues), Morgan was so excited to see her dollar. Here's our little toothless wonder:
Grace has been up to her ususal. Getting into stuff, being goofy all the time, and goin potty every once in awhile. I think you can really consider yourself "arrived" as a Mom when you find yourself sitting with your toddler in the bathroom cheering her on, "you can do it!! go poop!!" And when the blessed moment finally arrives, you are sincerely excited for your child. We usually celebrate with chocolate and cookies. We're making progress, and I have even bought elmo underwear for Grace when she can keep her pull-ups dry. Gotta love pottie training. **gag**
In this picture Grace has some residual Skittle on her face from going potty. Oh and there's also some on her shirt. We're still learning how to eat them without drooling all over the place.
Another funny thing Grace has started - happens at bedtime. She will sit by her open door, line up her baby dolls right next to her, and read books to them. She will usually do this for about an hour before relenting and going to sleep. During this hour, she will sing at the top of her lungs. Her very favorite song goes like this. "A B C D E F G noonowmoooomalllaaaatadooooo". Sometimes she sings her Mom and Dad song too. It goes like this, "Mom likes meeeeeeeee, Dad likes meeeeeeeee" and the tune varies each time it's sung. last night I took a picture of her babies all lined up after she fell asleep. On my cute detector, this is about an 8.
He's been talking up a STORM. He can now count to ten (before Grace I might add), and he says 4 letter sentences to me. I'll get him up in the morning and he'll say, "Pajama's all wet Mom." because the lovely Walmart brand diapers he wears to bed have leaked once again. If any of you have ever watched "Sid the Science Kid" on PBS, you'll understand this next little dooha. In the beginning of the show Sid says, "There's Gabriella!" And she says, "Watch what I can do!" Then she does some cheerleader dance. Crede walks around saying, "ya ya hooooo! ya ya hoooooo!" and sounds just like her.
Hmmmm.....Crede has been buddying up with his big sister for some more exciting mischief, and has been spending a lot of time in timeout. I'll go get him out at the end of it, and ask, "Why did Mom put you in time out?" He'll totally tell me why. The last time he said, "Jumped on the couch." Yep he's a genius.
Well now, if you've read this much of my post, you must really enjoy hearing the ramblings on of my family. Enjoy your day, and know that I'm here in Toddlerland enjoying myself thoroughly.
I enjoyed the post very much. just makes me laugh. you have a great family. I see some of those things my kids do in different ways.
You sure have your hands full! You can see if there is a community center around somewhere with little activities for the kids to go do. Other than that good luck!
I love this post! You are seriously funny! I've missed your cute sense of humor! ;)
So I've got a bunch to say. Here goes:
1. I too have issues with not knowing whether to capitalize or not on the post title. I never know...
2. That lamp made out of elk antlers is way cool. Your man is pretty talented! I've got a brother in law that would love something like that!
3. Please tell me you will not give in to naming your baby Shed if it's a boy. Think of all the possibilities of teasing he could get? Maybe he can just nickname him that?
4. Amen to feeling like everyday is Groundhog Day. I am SO with you! I even live where it's warmer and we still do the same stuff everyday. I guess we just need to enjoy it though. You're only in this stage of life once and then it's over. Sure seems like it's going to last forever somedays though huh?!
5. So sorry you have to wear that gorgeous accessory to bed every night. But at least it does the trick.
6. I have Memory Mixer and love it. I haven't done much though because our computer is freaking slow, but Memory Mixer is really cool and super easy & fun to use! Have fun at your retreat! :)
7. Finally, your kids are so dang cute! You are such a fun mom & it shows in your kids faces. I'm so happy we are in touch and I can see a glimpse into your life through your blog. Yay for technology!! :)
Wow, was that enough for ya?
I LOVE reading your blog. I also love reading the comments leave on your blog--your friend/family Staci is funny too. :) I never know what to capitalize on my blog title either...sometimes...once in a while...I randomly capitalize in the middle. Just for kicks. If you figure out what to do over there in Toddlerland, let me know. I feel trapped in Almost Toddlerland (aka Babyland Advanced) with Megs & a little girl I babysit that is turning 1 next month. Plus Garrett. Anyway. I never know what to do with them cuz it's insane. What we NEED to do is visit each other with all the kiddles, lock them in a room to play and mess around together, while you and I chat and eat the secret chocolate we hide in our house (I know you do it too, don't deny it!).
Emily! Your family is so fabulous! So digital eh? How did it go for you? What do you think of Memory Mixer? Congrats to Morgan! I still remember loosing my first tooth! Yay for Grace! That is one thing I am super nervous for with mine. And sweet Crede. Such a handsome boy. We need to get our boys together.
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