Hangin' In There

Hangin' In There

Monday, August 26, 2013

First Day of School

This year our kids began a new adventure at a new school near our home.  It took some prayer and contemplation commit to this change, and I think that it's going to be a good one.  One of the changes that our kids are getting used to, are the uniforms.  Grace, in particular, is super picky about her clothing.  She has had a hard time trying to feel "pretty" with these new clothes.  Crede couldn't care less, and Morgan spends about 20 minutes each night working out new combo's for the next day.  

Their teachers are really nice, and their school teaches with a more "hands-on" approach that is a lot of fun.  They do a lot of scientific experiements, and their homework is a little more extensive too.  We're happy with the change so far.  

Anywho ~ here are the cute kids on their very first day in their new school.

In front of the school...

And just a few more just cuz...


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