Happy Birthday Chance!
This year, Chance's birthday was an epic fail. Pretty much every year it's an epic fail. See, here's the thing. I stress about his birthday every. year. I think about it weeks in advance. The problem I have is that I can never figure out what to do for him! I never know what to buy.....so sometimes I just buy him food (like this year). It's really pathetic because Chance is ALWAYS thinking of fun and special things for ME.
Another reason why it was an epic fail is because these are the only THREE photo's I took that day. L.A.M.E.
Sorry Chance. I really do love you. I think about you all. the. time. If it wasn't for my OCD I think life might be a bit more pleasant for you.
I hope you had a happy birthday. I love you, and I love everything you do for me, and for our family. You are such a hard worker, and I know that no matter what ~ you would take care of us. You are the fun one. You are the funny one. You are the creative one. You wrestle with our kids. You make silly faces. You dance for us. You play "buck" with the kids. You teach our kids what a Dad should be.
I love you.
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