Hangin' In There

Hangin' In There

Friday, February 26, 2010

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin......

Gage was in our front room today, content as could be. I was in the kitchen cleaning up breakfast. I walked out, and found Gage pinned beneath my Wooden Easter Bunny (yes, EASTER Bunny. I put my decorations up already. You got a PROBLEM with that?!). The funny thing was the fact that he didn't make a peep.

Don't you love those eyebrows? It's as if they are engraved into his forhead. I love it.

Yep, the vase was also a casualty. Who can resist that face? Really.

He's looking at me as if to say, "So.......you gonna help me now?"
Or it could be, "Will you put the dang camera away already? " I'll bet it was the latter.

Maybe it was all the adrenaline pumping through his little body. Maybe it finally hit him how much danger he was actually in during those 3 minutes. Maybe he knew he had straw all over his clean shirt. For whatever reason, here's my poor, poor, sad little boy.

Who can resist that face?

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Creder's Cars

Um...so can you tell we were a little bored today?

Cabin fever you ask?

Why yes.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Morgan!

If this doesn't tell you how my day begun, I don't know what does. Can I just tell you how much I fell out of love with Betty Crocker today? Her directions for this cake were not forthcoming. This was the result of my first attempt at making Morgan's "purse cake". Yummy!

Here's our big SEVEN year old getting her birthday spankin' from good ol' Dad. She looks terrified, don't you think?

We broke down and let Grace open one of Morgan's presents (after asking Morgan if it was okay.) She was literally shaking from excitement. What's funny was what ensued after this picture was taken. See, Grace really thought the gift was for her so when Morgan came over to take it from her, Grace started screaming and throwing a fit. I was just laughing (inside of course) and watching the drama unfold when something inside of me said, "HELLO?!?! You should be stopping this argument!" I quickly pulled myself together, tore the two girls apart, and took a picture of the present in question. You know what it was?

The GIVING TREE. Anyone else find this ironic? I'm sorry...maybe it's just my twisted sense of humor. I, personally, found it pretty entertaining.

Here's a glimpse of the present we got Morgan. It's a karaoke system. I know, you're thinking, but how could the Bailey's afford such an extravagant gift?! You want to know a secret? It wasn't very expensive! You hook it up to your MP3 player, it comes with a microphone and you can even hook it up to an electric guitar! (Sweeeet!) If you are ever in the neighborhood and hear some stray guitar sounds coming from our house, come on in.

And here's our birthday girl herself. Her hair is a little disheveled...it's after school you know.

Yes, and Grace had the most fun with this gift. Morgan was feeling a little too shy to sing, but apparantly Grace didn't have a problem with it.

Here she is singing, "Best of Both Worlds". What a natural. You can just SENSE her stage presence. Watch out American Idol.

Oh yes, and here is the FINISHED cake. A little boxy (because I had to MAKE UP my own recipe for the dumb thing) but functional.

Morgan, I hope that you had a very Happy Birthday. We love you so much and I, personally, am so proud to be your Mom. You are a very strong and fun little girl. Happy Birthday Bug.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


I love my 2 little boys. Before having kids I wasn't sure how I'd react to a new baby, let alone a BOY.

See...I'm a girl (most days) and I know how us girls think. I know how complicated and hormonal we can be, and I can deal with that. A boy? What if my boy was a crazy-man? What if he threw toys around all day long and didn't know how to be "soft"? And the coup de gras ... How do I potty train a ...


All of these fears flew out the window the second I laid my eyes on Crede. He was my SON. To this day Chance teases me about the fact that I am tied around Crede's little finger. I love my 2 little men, and I am so glad that they will be able to grow up together and play trucks and even ... **gulp** hunt with Daddy. (I know Dad appreciates this fact every day of his existence).

Here are my 2 boys playing together.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Superbowl Sunday

I have a small confession. After staying home from church due to Grace having a fever and sleeping the entire 3 hours Chance was gone, we went to our friends house for a Superbowl Extravaganza. We had SO MUCH food and a lot of fun too. We downed childrens Motrin all night long, ate until we were sick, the kids all played together excellently, and we laughed at all those awesome commercials (except for a slim few).

Here's little Gage kickin' it on the floor...his very favorite thing to do.

And Grace. She's growin' too fast these days.

Crede eating his sugar cookie.

Aaand a close up of the "healthy" part of our day. They ARE apples, after all.

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